Friday, December 24, 2010

Christian Opinions Not Allowed

My husband recently posted a question on Yahoo! Answers about the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. He is worried that his outspoken Christian opinions on the morality of homosexuality will end up getting him kicked out. The responses he received were unhelpful to the extreme. Basically he had twenty or so military members tell him that, because of his "hatred" and "intolerance" for the Gay community, he needed to do the military a favor and get out  because he was not welcome. I have talked to multiple members of the US Army and none have agreed with the repeal. So why was his post so unwelcome? My thought is because he's a Christian.
  Christians are slowly becoming the minority. We have lost almost every amendment right because we're seen as intolerant and hateful, yet most of us aren't. I do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle, yet i have beloved friends who are gay. I believe that a man and a woman were created with a penis and a vagina for a reason. I think homosexuality is morally repugnant and unnatural, and if you thought really hard about it, you would, too; yet i love my gay friends more than anything else. How is this possible? Because as a Christian, i can love the person, yet hate the sin. Too often Christians hate the person and the sin, which causes the rest of us to earn a bad name. Yet i digress, because this blog is not about that. It's about religious intolerance, or Christian Intolerance.
     Why do people reject Christianity? To me, it's one of the few things in this world that makes sense. Too many people are afraid to have moral values because they'll be seen as Christians. This confounds me. It's wrong to have an abortion. I believe most women have an abortion because they are uneducated about other ways and truly believe that this is their only way out. They're not thinking about the little one growing inside of them. The little heart beating. I believe that abortion is an abomination. Each child has a reason for being, even those born with mental diseases and defects, and those born to abusive families. They serve as sad reminders that we are not and will never be a perfect society until Jesus returns. They serve as brave lessons to us all about compassion, love, and the faults of man. Why destroy something like a child?
     Why are those labeled pro-life automatically labeled as Christians and automatically rejected? Because their opinions go against the norm  of society. Because their opinions are the moral truths, and most everyone is too happy living in sin to realize that they'd be happier living without it.
     We as Christians are slowly losing every right we've ever had because of what we believe. We believe everyone deserves a chance at life. We believe that a man was born a man and a woman was born a woman for specific purposes in life to be explored together as a man and woman. We believe in an all powerful God who created us, sent His son here to die for us, and saved us so that we can live with Him forevermore. Christianity is rejected while Islam is becoming embraced.
     Why is Christianity losing its' place in the world? Losing its' voice? Because no one stands up for God anymore. Because no one stands up for the truth or morality. Because no one stands up for what is right.